issue 24

L. Ward Abel – a poem
Mark DeCarteret – a poem
George Freek – a poem
Imran Boe Khan – 2 poems
Laura King – 3 poems
Rachel Whalen – 3 poems
Changming Yuan – a poem


editor’s desk

Dear Friends,

Focusing on stillness. Focusing on the breath.
Being and becoming. Losing and unbecoming.

Seems like we’ve been here before.

Everyone sick of everything.
The market up. The market down.
Cases up. Cases down.
Fault. No fault. Whose fault? Everyone’s fault.

Twenty years of war. That war. This war.
All the wars.
That peace. This peace.
All the pieces.

Take pause while you read them.

Kind Regards,

Raymond Prucher, Editor
Issue 24, October 2021