issue 20

issue 20

Renwick Berchild – 5 poems
Guilherme Bergamimi – photography
Cortney Bledsoe – 3 poems
Ellen Chia – 5 poems
George Payne – 3 poems
Kushal Poddar – a poem
Ian C. Smith – a poem

Dear Friends,

Here we are. The weather is dreary, but there are little silver linings cropping up all around. We are bearing witness to a lot of feduppedness and notgonnatakethisanymoreism. And I feel fine.

As always, we’ve got a mixed bag of work from authors and artists spanning the globe. Happy, sad, contemplative, reassuring. Stitching squares. Raking gardens. Telling truths, big and small. Inviting us in for a cuppa.

Thank you all.

And a little call out, here, for you writers and friends of writers sowing prose… we want to see more of it, and plays, one-acts and more, and you artists, illustrators, inventors and the like… I’d really like to blow this open wide, expand to all reaches of visual and literary work. We all want to be another Bauhaus or Black Mountain, but really, I’d just love to find more work to love in my inbox.

Not with a whimper, but a bang.

Kind Regards,

Raymond Prucher, Editor
Issue 20, October 2019